Comprehensive Veteran Programs

Explore the various programs and services offered by NVOP to support veterans and their families.

Transforming Lives Through Employment, Housing, and Counseling Services

Our comprehensive programs provide veterans with the support they need to thrive in civilian life. From employment assistance to housing solutions and mental health counseling, we are dedicated to empowering veterans and their families.

NVOP Programs & Services

NVOP, standing strong for over 50 years, has been dedicated to serving Veterans and their families. Here are just some of the features we provide:

Veterans Service Center

A 16,000 square foot facility operated as a “one-stop” service center for NVOP’s social services programs. It is centrally located...

Residential Center for Veterans

Our residential center is a 35,000 square foot facility that provides 80 transitional beds and 60 single room occupancy units...

Veteran Family Wellness Program

To enhance veterans' well-being, NVOP initiated the Veterans & Family Wellness Program, securing critical mental health services and ensuring veterans,...

Rapid Rehousing (RRH)

Rapid re-housing rapidly connects families and individuals experiencing homelessness to permanent housing through a tailored package of assistance that may...

Programs FAQs

Find answers to common questions about our programs, eligibility, and accessing services.
  • Who do I call for services?

    VFWP has their own telephone number – 210-248-9933

  • Do you provide services to other areas of Texas?

    Yes we do. We now are providing telehealth services to all eligible Texas veterans and their dependents.

  • What are the eligibility requirements?

    The National Veterans Outreach Program (NVOP) provides services to veterans of all eras, as well as their families. There are no strict eligibility requirements to receive assistance from our organization. We aim to help any veteran or veteran’s family member who needs support, whether it’s housing, employment, counseling, or other services.

    Our philosophy is that anyone who has served this country in the armed forces has earned the right to get help from NVOP if they need it. Specific programs and services may have some eligibility criteria, such as being below a certain income threshold for our transitional housing program. But generally we strive to make our offerings available to the widest range of veterans possible.

    The first step is to contact NVOP to explain your situation and needs. Our team will discuss your background, challenges, and goals in order to determine which services are the best fit to help you achieve stability, self-sufficiency, and success. We walk alongside veterans and families through every phase of the process.

    Please don’t hesitate to reach out about how NVOP may be able to assist you. Helping veterans thrive is our passion and our privilege. Just contact us online or by phone to learn more.

  • If I am in a crisis, who should I call?

    Please call 988 immediately. VFWP is not a crisis provider.

  • What programs do you offer?

    We offer a range of programs including employment assistance, housing assistance, and mental health counseling. Each program has specific eligibility criteria and application processes.

  • How long does it take to get an appointment and meet with a counselor?

    VFWP front office will reach out to you within 24 hours to schedule your first session. Most of these sessions can take place in the same week.

  • Who is eligible for your programs?

    Our programs are designed to serve veterans and their dependents. Eligibility criteria vary for each program, so please refer to the specific program pages for more information.

  • Can VFWP help me with my VA disability?

    VFWP cannot help file for the disability claim, but VFWP can be “Evidence For” your claim. VFWP is a mental health provider that can write letters, sign needed forms, and submit your records (at your request) as any other medical provider can.

  • How can I access your services?

    To access our services, you can contact us directly or visit our service areas. Each program has its own process, so please refer to the program pages for more information.

  • Does the Mental Health Services cost me anything?

    No, VFWP is grant funded and as long your eligible under those grants, the services are at no cost.

  • Do you provide housing assistance?

    Yes, we offer housing assistance programs such as SSVF, RRH, and Shallow Subsidies. These programs provide temporary and permanent housing solutions for eligible veterans and their families.

  • What mental health services do you offer?

    We provide mental health counseling services through our VFWP program. Our qualified counselors offer support and therapy to veterans and their dependents.

  • Does NVOP have mental health services?

    Yes, we provide individual, couples, family, youth, and group counseling services for mental health and substance use disorders. We also provide peer support services that include individual and group sessions.

  • What is Peer Support Services?

    A peer support is someone with lived experiences who is able to walk you through challenges in life by some of the ways they achieve healthiness in their own lives. Peer Supports are certified through the state of Texas to perform their job.

  • What is the difference between Mental Health Counseling and Peer Support Services?

    A MH counselor has degree and is fully licensed to conduct therapy in order to achieve a goal. A peer support is an individual with prior experience and able to provide a network of resources that they may have used themselves. Peer support educations can be from all backgrounds of life but maintain a certificate to perform said duties based on ethics of Texas state standards.

Contact Us

Have additional questions? Get in touch with us today.
Contact NVOP

Are You a Veteran Who Needs Help?

NVOP is here to assist veterans in Texas with emergency housing, 
resources, and support. We've got your back!